
Elevator Cleaning & Maintenance services

Why clean your elevators?

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, “In the last several years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities. Other research indicates that people spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors. Thus, for many people, the risks to health may be greater due to exposure to air pollution indoors than outdoors”. (CPSC,2016). Dirty elevator hoist ways contribute to indoor air quality. Dust, lint and other contaminants collect inside of the hoist way, as the elevator travels up and down it forces these contaminants into the air, making it unsafe to breathe. 


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Fire Hazard

Collection of lint and other debris in the hoist way, also creates an extreme fire hazard. The hoist ways are lubricated with oil, and the friction from the elevator can ignite the debris using the oil as an accelerate.


Preventative Maintenance

The hoist way contains the guide rails on which the elevator car and counterweight run. This is the backbone of the elevator. Cleaning the hoist ways and removing debris is an important part of maintaining the elevator. Being able to visually inspect all mechanical components of the Elevator can help identify issues before they become a problem, ensuring that the elevator can continue to work properly.

Complete Hoistway Cleaning

Hoist way enclosure repair

Cab & Car top cleaning & Painting

Pit De-greasing & Clean out

Pit water sealing

Door and rail de-greasing

Hoist way remediation

Window Cleaning

sealing & waterproofing

Complete Machine Room Cleaning

Equipment completely de-energized during process

Machine room floor painting and epoxy coating (to eliminate the threat of moisture)

Machine room wall sealing

removal of debris and de-grease

Machine room remediation

Additional services

Masonry Repair

Epoxy Crack repair

Machine room and Hoist way wall repair and replacement

Sump pump clean out, repair and installation

Call today for your free consultation and customized estimate to fit your elevator needs!

 How does the cleaning process work?

Contractors license

Experience ( There will always be a contractor on site)

Workers (We partner with Serving Again)